Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 12: Emily Freeman and Isaiah

Bah! I can't believe I forgot my camera! OK, I can believe it. My brain would be better used for a science project than in my skull these days.

Anyway, we had a great Red 5 activity tonight. We had LDS author Emily Freeman (click here for a list of books by Emily Freeman) come and talk to us about the Isaiah chapters coming up in our reading this week. She did an incredible job involving the youth in the activity, really helping them understand why Isaiah is important, how better to understand the language, and to invite the Spirit in your reading to better understand as well.

Thank you, Sister Freeman, for taking time away to better enrich our reading of the Book of Mormon!

1 comment:

  1. I posted that comment above, will you delete it after you get it so my email doesn't stay up?
