Sunday, March 20, 2011

Presentation to Ward Council

We had our combined sunday school meeting with our YM and YW leaders today. After a recap of the program, taking down the pros and cons, and asking for any qualms people had, we all were in agreement to go forward with the program.

The next step to accepting and implementing this program was presenting it to the Ward Council. Today was the day. I was so nervous. How would I compact a huge program and all the fantastic details and intricate beauties of it in a tiny slot of time, all the while trying to sell it to them and ask for their support? Oh, and not scare them too much with the crazy amount of information? I'm positive it was the Spirit helping me present Red5 in a calm, collected, concise, and justified manner. Everyone there had nothing but positive things to say and were all on board to help out.

Our next step is to set up a committee of key players (YM and YW leaders, bishopric, and a member from each auxiliary) to hash out the calendar and modifying details of the program. That will be a marathon meeting, but I cannot wait!

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